
We've gathered all technical terms that wil be useful to understand the data mobility lingo.


Battery Electric Vehicle, a vehicle that does not have an ICE either fuel tank or exhaust pipe. It relies on electricity for propulsion.

ASI approach

Avoid → Shift → Improve, the ASI methodology structures the measures (of CO2 reduction but also cost) in 3 successive steps:

Avoid means reducing non-essential trips (teleworking, co-working, satellite offices,...). If the trip cannot be avoided, we move on to the next step.

Shift, which suggests replacing the car with alternatives for essential trips (bicycle, public transport, carpooling, company shuttle, etc.).

If none of the alternatives are optimal, we move on to the Improve phase. This includes vehicles that consume less energy (electrification, less powerful engines, etc.).


A Benefit In Kind is an advantage that an employer or company grants to an employee (company car, use of a building, loan of money at a favourable rate, etc.). This benefit of any kind is considered as professional income. The employee or company director who receives it will therefore have to pay tax on the amount corresponding to the value of the benefit in kind. In the case of a company car, it is provided to an employee for personal and business use, with the associated costs covered. It is a convenient form of mobility offered by the employer.

What are the BIK formulae for the year 2023 (Belgium only)?

  • Diesel:

catalogue value x [5.5 + ((CO2 emissions - 67 gr/km) x 0.1)] % x 6/7 x car age coefficient

  • Gasoline, LPG and CNG:

catalogue value x [5.5 + ((CO2 emissions - 82 gr/km) x 0.1)] % x 6/7 x age of car

  • Electrics:

catalogue value x 4 % x 6/7 x age coefficient of the car


  • The minimum BIK is €1540/year.
Car policy

A car policy is a document that sets out the rights and obligations relating to the purchase, allocation, use and management of vehicles within a company, sometimes including a list of vehicles available to employees by category.


An Energy Management System monitors and optimizes energy usage in buildings or facilities to reduce costs and emissions. It collects data to identify opportunities for energy efficiency and controls energy-consuming systems in real-time.


Extended Range Electric Vehicle, is an electric vehicle equipped with a small internal combustion engine used as an electric generator which allows, when the batteries are empty, to recharge them.

Electro-compatibility profile

An electro-compatibility profile is the ability of a person to switch to an electric vehicle. It is based on a score that depends on several criteria, such as the person's need for autonomy, the budget, and the ability to install a charging station at or near the home or office.


Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle, is a vehicle that run on compressed liquid hydrogen.


Full Hybrid Electric Vehicle, refers to hybrid electric vehicles that have larger batteries and more powerful electric motors. This means they can work solely with the electric motor for short distances and low speeds. Self-charging hybrid. most fuel efficient of the Hybrid engines.


Flex Income Plan, is a type of employee benefit plan that allows employees to customize their compensation and benefits package based on their individual needs and preferences. It provides them with a set amount of money that they can allocate towards different benefits and compensation options.


Hybrid Electric Vehicle, a small electric motor assists the ICE. Under light load, for instance during initial acceleration, only electricity is consumed. The battery replenishes itself via energy generated by the ICE as well as regenerative braking.


Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle, is a type of vehicle that runs on an internal combustion engine. ICEVs are the most common type of vehicle and include cars, trucks and buses, they run on gasoline or diesel fuel. They are widely used but are also a major source of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Modal shift

Modal shift is a change in the way employees get to work, from using personal cars to more sustainable and efficient modes like public transportation, cycling or walking. The goal is to reduce traffic, pollution and costs while improving employee well-being and reducing the company's carbon footprint. Mob Box can help you implement modal shifting by providing concrete mobility solutions.


The Total Cost of Ownership, estimates the cost of owning a vehicle for a company by integrating different variables: rent, fuel, taxes and charges as well as tax deductibility.


Zero-Emission Vehicle, is a type of vehicle that produces no emissions of pollutants and greenhouses gases, such as CO2. This makes them a highly environmentally friendly option compared to traditional ICEVs.


mild Hybrid Electric Vehicle, uses a petrol or diesel engine combined with a small electric motor. A traditional hybrid can be powered by the battery alone whereas the mild hybrid battery isn’t big enough to do this.


strong Hybrid Electric Vehicle, is a type of hybrid electric vehicle that combines an internal combustion engine (ICE) with an electric motor and a high-capacity battery. Unlike mild hybrids which primarily use the internal combustion engine to power the vehicle and the electric motor to provide an assist, strong hybrids are capable of operating in electric-only mode for short distances (about 50km).

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